A good training structure takes into account a proper amount of rest, because it is exactly what makes you improve as a runner.
In the following video, I will give you some more information on this topic:
It is better to take one day too much rest, than to keep on doing it without thinking. In fact, if you take too little rest, you significantly increase the risk of injury.
Especially after illness, it is wise to take enough time to recover and start running again. Below I have given an indication of how long you should wait to start exercising again after illness:
- If you have had COVID, you should also not resume running right away. Best do gentle cardio (exercise bike, elliptical, …) at least one week after you recover to see how your body reacts. If you notice that your heart rate is still high, that you are short of breath or show other symptoms, you should have your lungs scanned to be 100% sure. If you have no complaints after this week of light cardio, you can start building up again VERY slowly. The first week you should also take a few walking breaks while running. If this week also goes well, you can start building up again without any problems.
- Colds are another tricky one. If the symptoms are above the neck (stuffy nose, sore throat, earache and NO fever), you can run (if you feel well enough). If they are below the neck (coughing, shortness of breath, fever, muscle aches, …) then it is absolutely NOT a good plan to go running.
- Depending on what kind of flu you have had (regular flu, stomach flu, …) it is still advisable to take it easy for another two weeks or so (NO interval training). After all, your body may be seriously weakened and to start running again straight away is asking for trouble.
In general, the best thing to do after an illness is to wait until your resting heart rate is somewhat normal again and then do a quiet cardio workout (bicycle, elliptical) or run a short lap with walking breaks if necessary. Be honest with yourself about how you feel and definitely don’t force yourself.
It’s better to rest a few extra days, than to start again too soon and it will take longer to get back to your old level.